You are God's Plan "A"...

Good morning!
Our brother and preacher is moving. It's hard to imagine worship without his thoughts and passion and encouragement. He will be dearly missed, but we are thankful for how he helped us see Jesus better and helped us long for God...Here are some of his quite famous quotes...

You are God's plan "A"

Manage yourself...

You can afford to give yourself away...

Survival is not our chief ambition...

Seek to be a non anxious presence...

Words have such power...

People trump law...

All we have to do decide is what to do with the time that is given us...

Jesus brought a whole new way of being a human being...

There is no bait and switch...

Stories are light...

This is not some ancient old text (the Bible)...this is YOUR story!

Don't panic. Wait. Trust. Reflect His character...

Saved=whole, which means living out your giftedness...

Conflict is inevitable. Combat is optional...

See the good, SAY the good...

"I feel disincluded"

Failure is not final...

Work the problem...

Love one another as if your life depended on does...

We are responsible...

I would not wreck you for the world...

Deliberate mediocrity is a sin...

Be Jesus-Available, sensitive, helpful, creative...

Take Holy risks...

God intends to bless the world...

Jesus is dangerous...

There is no spiritual life apart from the physical life...

Jesus restored people back into community...

We are priests for the sake of the world...

Our work is to live free of the fear of death...

You are wanted!

I love you! And I LIKE you
We come to the assemble because we are here to do thanks...
Drink coffee with your critics...
Make your enemies your friends...
Parents are responsible for launching their kids...
Put to death whatever belongs to your earthly nature...
I am called to live a Holy life!...
It matters how we live...we carry THE name...
Be careful what you may get it...
Slow and steady wins the race...
There is no quick fix. There are no easy steps to life...
We are invited to share in life that matters!...
You are the beloved of God!...
Sing it out! Pray it up! Sing your heart to God...The only helping place...
How can we complain or grumble if we are dead in Christ?...
Open my ears Lord-help me to grasp the meaning of it all...
I died and signed up for this...I've been sent...Do I dare to give my life away?
This is not MY mission I am on...It is the mission of Jesus...


Wa Wa Waughs said…
I love it. I will have to come back and reflect on some of these. You have just inspired me to take one meaningful phrase from each sermon I hear!
Vickie said…
This is beautiful, Amy! Took you awhile to put all this together and I appreciate it! Maybe I need to print this out and reflect on these phrases and flesh them out a bit with some study. Good job, girl!
Vickie said…
Oops - I didn't finish - I meant to tell you that I'm sorry you're losing your preacher and friend there. God must have another plan for him as well as your church. I know just the right man of God will come to minister to you all. Ours retired a couple of years ago, and we sure miss him, too, but our new young guy brings a fresh outlook and a different way of ministry to us and we love him, too!

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