Family Trip...Cruise To The Sunshine...

Hey! We finally got the Internet working here at home. There is so much I want to talk about but thought I would post some (a lot) of pictures from our family trip that we took right after Christmas.
By the way...this WAS a splurge, and we don't ever do things like this
but we found an incredible deal and could not pass it up.

It was so nice to be out on the water and have time with each other without cell phones and computers and the normal distractions. We sailed out of New Orleans on the Voyager of the Seas, a Royal Caribbean ship.
Of course, there had to be a breakfast stop at Cafe Du Monde in New Orleans the morning before we sailed away. Look at these powdered sugared, tasty beignets and chicory coffee. Yummy and a fun stop.
 This little cafe sits in the inside in the middle of the ship on the Royal Promenade.
We enjoyed visiting here for snacks at all times of the day and night (Wes was our night owl)
 The main dining room was so gorgeous. Looked like the one out of the Titanic movie. I did not dwell much on that though. Not a great thought.
 The view leaving New Orleans. The mighty Mississippi river.
Our view on Sunday morning from one of the top decks. We got up early to worship together and enjoy God's lovely creation and sunrise.
This was a special time.  We spread out and had our quiet time by ourselves and then came together for communion and prayer. I am so thankful that our boys love the Lord. What a blessing to this Mom and Dad.
They have a special fifties diner that we ate in. They sing goofy songs and serve all the french fries, hamburgers and onion rings you can eat. Lots of laughs.
Cozumel. Poncho. Wes.
This nice policeman let us take a picture. Security seemed pretty tight in Mexico.
You can also get anything you want at the local pharmacy. Interesting.
Pretty sky, pretty sand, pretty water.
Our big ole boat. Amazing...We had to tender in at Grand Cayman.
This was the most lovely beach and my favorite spot.
The guys snorkeled out around that reef in the picture and I just soaked up the sun.
Our waiter's name was Sonny. He was from the Philippines. 
One cool thing about a cruise is that you meet so many people from all over the world.
I loved that.
Jamaica. Not my favorite place. It felt threatening and the beach was very crowded with people trying constantly to sell you things. Will was offered drugs twice and a prostitute within a four hour period on shore. It was nice to walk back behind the gate and get back on the ship.  It wasn't too bad but you know that feeling you get when your spirit is not comfortable? I really had it there. It felt a little sinister.
 I feel that in New Orleans too. 

I wonder what we would see if God showed us the spiritual battle going on around us in those places? 
A lot to think about.
The boys certainly got their moneys worth in food on this trip. They ordered at least 4 or 5 and sometimes 6 appetizers and 3 or 4 entrees every night. It got to be a little funny toward the end.
Man, these guys can eat. I am sure they lost money on us.

My handsome and awesome husband...
Sweet little monkey hanging in the boy's room one night.
What a blessing to be together. They clean up pretty good!
Juggler on the last night. Unbelievably great. We also saw an ice skating show and a great Motown group.
What can I say?
 Thank you Sid for taking us on this wonderful vacation. So loved the sun, relaxing, reflecting, goal setting,
laughter, great conversation, rest, people watching, friend making, fun time.We love you!
I pray that your New Year is off to a wonderful start.

We are reading again through the One Year Bible and God's Word just gets richer and more wonderful each time you jump back into it.  We worshiped last weekend with both of my brother's at their home church. Such a blessing to be with family again so soon. The singing was so wonderful. I especially was touched by these words of praise...

Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty!
Worthy is the Lamb who was slain...

Let's talk again soon!
Blessings. Amy


Anonymous said…
Oh, thanks so much for returning to delight us with your words of family fun! The blog community has missed you, welcome back and thanks for sharing.
Wa Wa Waughs said…
yay! You got it going! Awesome pics and so glad to hear it was a good time. I LOVE the pic of the boys in their yellow ties. They are something else.

I thought the Sunday morning worship time sounded good. My family probably wouldn't want to draw attention to ourselves by singing aloud on the deck, but the quiet time then communion sounds like a neat idea.

Blessings to you too!
What a great trip! I'm sure the spiritual war was one you might not want to see...interesting.

Love the view of that beautiful water. How relaxing. So glad you are back and I can't wait to see more pics and hear from ya!

I love those words of fact we just sang that song at church Sunday...would be my favorite song.
Have a wonderful week!! Good to have you back in blog land ;)

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