Crazy Random Picture Dump...

 Made me smile. Thanks Larry!
 See all of these normal Aggie's? Now, look for our boys.
 There are no words...I guess normal is overrated.
 Life is never very dull...
 Random CD that I can't get enough of...
 Oh, how we miss this man. Michael and your sweet wife were and are a great blessing to us.
Starting to dream and pray about Camp Blue Haven. God does mighty things there. So thankful to be a part of this CBH experience...
 Thinking I will take a walk right here today. Wish you could join me.  Walks with my husband have been precious all of these years.  What a blessed time we have had on thousands of all kinds of walks.
 Just another one to make you smile.  For all of our Youth Minister friends...
Love these people. My sister in law Becky and son Brazos, who by the way is right now at this moment having his wisdom teeth taken out. Don't worry though, he is so smart, it won't cause him any problems. :)
 A picture that was snapped as we got off the ship in Jamaica.  Warm and wonderful. A fun adventure.
Blessings on your day!
Encouraging scripture from my Daily Bible reading this morning:
Matt. 21:22-
If you believe you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.


Vickie said…
Cute pictures and cartoons!

And sweet pictures of your family, too~~ what is normal? I certainly don't know - I know how boys are, but did you know that girls can join in and beat the boys at their own abnormalities? I just shake my head...

Have a wonderful day, Amy!

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