Oh, There You Are...

Psalm 5: 3-
In the morning, O Lord, You hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before You and wait in expectation.

But let all who take refuge in You be glad;
let them ever sing for joy.
Spread our protection over them, that those who love
Your name may rejoice in You.
For surely, O Lord, You bless the righteous;
You surround them with Your favor as with a shield.

Good morning.
These words stirred my heart and soul this morning. 
As we start reading through the yearly Bible again I
find the scriptures even more alive and speaking to me.
Thank you God, for Your perfect Word.

It is a glorious sunny day. I am up this morning after fighting what I think was and is a migraine headache yesterday.  I am thankful so very much for sleep. I can go to bed in pain or incredibly tired and wake up feeling rested and better. It's just a small thing, but I am thankful for sleep.

God is still working on me in so many ways. I have a huge problem with fear. It paralyzes me and even though sometimes on the outside you can't tell, inside I am shut down. I have really gotten a handle on laying down my fears about big things. God has helped me to do that. But... right now it is such silly and small thing but I am afraid of spiders.  We have killed over a dozen brown recluse spiders in the house we are living in and it kind of freaks me out.  I had the house sprayed and have seen dead ones and then this morning found a live one on my laundry floor. I know, really lame to be upset about spiders. I guess we can all get to a freaking out point about anything. Praying for protection and trying not to worry. 

I started a really wonderful book this morning. It was recommended by our former preacher, Michael Harbour.  It is called "Thin Places" by Mary E, DeMuth.

I know I am going to love this one. Here are some words from the first chapter:

Surely God is in the nooks and crannies of my life, stooping to earth to woo me.  Sometimes I recognize Him, but usually I continue on the mundane path,
not realizing a breath of a veil exists between the Almighty and myself. 

I live in the midst of holy moments, yet only in retrospect do I really see them.  I claw at the seams of life, questioning God's ways, seldom realizing that if I'd stop clawing, I would capture new glimpses of Him through the thin places. God woos me from behind the veil through the tragedies, beauties, surprises, simplicities, and snatches of my life I might overlook.
I once was lost, but now I am found, was blind but now I see.

Blessings on your day, and mine I pray today! Amy


Wa Wa Waughs said…
God has given you 3 big guys capable of taking care of those spiders! Hope you do feel better and enjoy your break!

That does sound like a sweet book. Love the cover.

Ps. 34:17
Great words...my word this morning from the Lord was expectation..which is in your first scripture.

Spiders...ugh! Hope you get to feeling better

The book looks great. I love this part "God woos me from behind the veil through the tragedies, beauties, surprised, simplicities and snatches of my life I might overlook"...oh so true!
Blessings and healing
Vickie said…
I know about fear, Amy - unreasonable, paralyzing fear. It's a terrible feeling isn't it? I'm glad you're learning to lay it at the feet of Jesus. Some days are better than others.

I don't like spiders particularly either. Keep your Raid handy and a flyswatter. I'll bet they'll eventually all die off. Have your Pest Control service come monthly for awhile and have them spray the exterior of the house, too. I'm sorry they are bothering you.

That book looks good - thanks for printing off a bit of it. I, too, continue on my mundane path, and forget that He's there every step. Would that I could keep that "veil" pushed aside every single day...
Vickie said…
Oops - I forgot to tell you how much I appreciate your very sweet and heartfelt prayer for Kristen! She went home today! She'll have to have speech therapy for awhile, but she's mending well. Still waiting on the pathology report. Thank you so very much, Amy! So nice to have Christian women that I can count on to pray, and that I can pray in return - we can all lift each other up when life throws us a curve!
Hi Amy
Check out my blog, I've given you an award!
Warren Baldwin said…
Very good book by Mary DeMuth to encourage healing from deep inner hurts, which most of us have in someway.

The Civil War song on your list was playing while I was reading this. Beautiful song. This Thurs I start teaching Amer. History II for a local junior college, and I'm starting with the Civil War. I'll have to play them this song.

Good post. WB
Anonymous said…
cool...love it!

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