Pause Button...

We made a fast trip to our family ranch this past weekend.  This place is a special heart place for us and a place that we seem to push the pause button and let down and take a deep breath.  Long meanderings where you can walk and see no one for hours are nice and the family time is always heart warming and good.  The drive there is a little long but it is worth it. It is not a fancy place and maybe that is why it is extra special. Just the basics and lots of togetherness. 
 Our sweet mama and Lucy. Lucy REALLY loves mom even though she does not belong to her. She is Debra and Brad's red headed doggy. We all love Lucy. (We love Sandy and Gus too.)  She is always happy to see us and is snugly and sweet.  Thank you Lucy for making life a little nicer and more fun and putting smiles on our faces.
 One of the reasons I especially love this place is this view.  Nearly everyday there are exceptional sunsets right behind this gorgeous tree.  They are never the same and always breathtaking.  This view and the light show that God puts on here is a very "thin place" for me. 
He draws me close in this spot. 
I am thankful for it.
Another reason I love this place...the memories and echo's of laughter and fun times.  I cherish remembering all the blessed time spent with our boys growing up and learning and sharing life together.  Every moment is precious. They are all mostly grown up now and it is still special to be with the big boys and our sweet grown up girl, but oh, how those times were precious.  
 Another blessing of being in this place is that I get to be with these two men.  My brother's are incredible men that love the Lord with all their hearts. They are walking the walk and talking the talk and I am proud of them. You bless me beyond words Brad and Michael.  You are Kingdom warriors and I love spending this life with you and am excited about living in God's presence in heaven with you someday. 
Won't it be grand!!
I could go on and on about my Dad and sister in law's and nephews but I guess you might have already clicked off thinking...she is over sentimental and goes on and on and on...
You are right. I will leave you with some thoughts from an interesting little book I am reading.

Thin Places by Mary E. De Muth

Anytime I am wronged, or perceive I am wronged, I have a window to see Jesus clearer by the way I react.  If I forgive, I get to experience Him.  If I growl bitterness, He seems farther away.  Forgiving is the deepest kinship I've experienced with Jesus so far, but it's not an easy kinship.

The more gratitude, the closer we are to the whispers of Jesus.

I need to shed my need-for-everyone-to-like-me coat in favor of His robe of redemption,
His mantle of humble submission.

Truth is, I don't like me when I'm all about me.

God is interested in the great reversal. Not clean hands and a dirty heart,
but a clean heart and dirty hands.

My stubborn, self-savvy heart will not reach for the sky if my earth becomes everything I need.  If people fill me up, then where is my need for the transcendent?  If everything is glory and beauty and sweetness and light, will I be the type of soul that reaches to Jesus?

How much better He is, than things...

Blessings on this white page of today. I pray we will write it carefully and intentionally...
Love, Amy


I can't tell you how much my heart is filled with the goodness you share each day! It is so refreshing! BTW, we received your New Years card and it is precious! You have a wonderful family! Thank you for being a blessing to me!
Wa Wa Waughs said…
You are precious! You are truly blessed with a wonderful family. We all can learn about gratefulness through you and your camera! Love that tree. Thanks for sharing those thoughts from the book!
Pat said…
Beautiful post. You have a heart of love and gratitude. Your family sounds wonderful. I like the idea of "thin places."

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