Sunshine...Where Are You?

Good morning.
Do you ever have one of those days,
or a string of them that you are just struggling to be positive?
I am sure you do.

 My husband and I are fighting a really nasty bug right now.
Yucky upper respiratory stuff along with fighting allergy 
problems from every gorgeous plant and tree in our part of the country blooming. 

I am not complaining about the lovely flowers and blooms
but we really need to get well. 
Sweet husband has pneumonia and really needs to take a turn for the better.
 He is not a happy camper. :) 

Throw in the need to see the sunshine and sit in it...
which will not happen for days...
we are struggling, trying to be positive.

Times like this I need to get my 1000 gifts list out and
start writing down the things I am thankful for.
I believe I will.

Something else on my mind today:

These two precious boys.
They leave on Sat. for Haiti for a week.

They will be helping MMDR and Live Beyond Aggies working on building a compound wall and will be spending wonderful time with the orphans. This compound will enclose the future hospital, school and many other buildings.

They are so excited and we ask for your prayers for blessings on their work and for safety.
There was a 4.9 earthquake in Haiti yesterday. Pretty scary for the people there and for the missionaries who are already working right now.

We are a little anxious about this but have to just trust in our
good God for their protection in every way.
Thank you.

Romans 15:13
I pray that the God who gives hope will fill you with much joy and peace while you trust in him. Then your hope will overflow by the power of the Holy Spirit.

James 1:27
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

Blessings on YOUR day! Amy


Wa Wa Waughs said…
So sorry you are sick! We are hoping this rain will wash away some of the allergens. Blessings on all of you!
Vickie said…
Oh dear - sorry to hear that you and your husband are sick. Yep, it's that time of year, I'm afraid. Me, too, on the allergies - I'm just waiting for my annual "crud" (quick, knock on wood!)

I know that your boys will receive SUCH a blessing from their trip, Amy. AND they will bless those that are receiving the help. I love mission trips! I always come away feeling like I'm the one who got the most out of it.

The Lord is watching over them in Haiti. Sending you a big hug from a momma whose son is living in New Zealand for a year... :(
Great scriptures Amy...I'm a few days behind reading, but I REALLY needed to hear them. I have been in a "funk"...just tired, feeling stressed, needing sunshine, etc. The Romans scripture was just what I needed...a nice friendly reminder!

Prayers for you and your husband for complete and quick healing AND for those boys of yours...may they be covered in the blood of Jesus and may you have complete peace until they return!
Take care.

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