You Don't Have To Be Perfect...

I ran across this wonderful blog posting a few days ago.

If you are a Mom and sometimes feel that you can't measure up this will speak to you. Even with my blog I feel sometimes that it is not good enough, that so many other blogs are prettier or have more to say or get loads of comments, or actually punctuate paragraphs right. ha.
 (I am sure that is true without a doubt, but really...who cares.)

I struggle with not measuring up in my everyday life also.
  I think everyone would like to have a "Pinterest" life.
But the truth is, no one really does.
We are doing the best we can loving our families and loving our God.

This article was good...hope you like it. I loved it.  Our children want us. Us.
 Not some perfect woman that has it all together all of the time. Awesome.

Blessings. Amy


Wa Wa Waughs said…
Oh, I read that and I totally agree! I gave up trying to be the perfect wife and mother long ago, but I still love looking at ideas and trying new things. Pinterest doesn't intimidate me, but I can see how if you are a new mother it could. Great message.

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