The Wind And The Waves Obey His Will. Peace Be Still...

Job 9:8
He alone stretches out the heavens
and treads on the waves of the sea.

Matt. 8:26 & 27
He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.

The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this?
Even the winds and the waves obey him!”

How blessed we were to be able to spend some time beside the sea.  It seems to be a very "thin place" to me.  The presence of God is unmistakable. How can we stand and hear the boom of the waves and see the power of the water and feel the pull of the ocean as the sand sweeps out from under our feet and not be in awe of our great and good God?

Yes, we were blessed to spend time by the sea and in fellowship with each other.
If you have a minute there are way too many pictures for your liking I am sure, but enjoy if you have the time.

This first one was amazing to me. This guy had a motor with a big fan on his back and was buzzing up and down the beach. Brave one.
The men I love the most- besides my Daddy of course.
We had this wonderful porch on the third floor to enjoy. Sweet place to drink coffee and read from the Word every morning. The view was ever changing and lovely.
William and Ky. Good friends and sand castle builders.

Learning to skim board.
Ah...there you go.
Love this man. Forever.
My precious parents. Trying not to be knocked over by the waves.
Can't you just hear a Beach Boys song playing in the background?
Good beach conversation...
Our Honey Badger. Or, we affectionately call him Sunshine.
Birthday cake for Ky. Quit growing up so fast.
Love these two. 
It takes many snaps of pictures to get a good one with these guys. Goofy.
A little better.

Sunset on the beach. Breathtaking.
Sporting the UT/Blue Haven gear.
Lovely picture of lovelier people.
Sunburned much?

One to cherish...

Benjamin Bunny. You are a little fuzzy but still off the charts handsome.
Our wild man with a heart of gold.
The last picture before we drove off Friday morning. 

Don't worry lovely sea. I hope to be back to your "thin place" again.
In my dreams I will see you until I feel my toes in the water and sand and feel the breeze and see the sun set over you.

If I never see you again in person you are in my heart and mind.
You have drawn me closer to God and to the people that I love. Thank you Elohim for making the sea for us to delight over.

Blessings on your week friends. Love, Amy


Wa Wa Waughs said…
Oh, so cute! I mean you with your hair all piled up high! I guess the boys are okay :)

What a blessing to have that time with your family!
Liz Crittenden said…
LOVE the picture of your folks trying to stand up in the waves!!
Thanks for all the pics -- miss you & ALL your family.
Love ya, girl!
Keep seeking First!
What an awesome trip!
Loved ALL the pics...your folks are so cute!!
Oh Amy... each one of these pictures made me smile. Your family is precious and we love y'all to pieces!! So exciting that your mom got GREAT/WONDERFUL news (God is SO good!!) and that you all had a wonderful family trip!

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