Fall Candy Corn Mix...

We are having our boys and some of their college friends over tomorrow for lunch after church.  I have been having fun cooking plus working in the back yard today. I thought it would be fun to have a little "lunch party favor" (yes, I know they are not 12 yrs. old) for them to take with them to snack on. After so many years of birthday parties I guess I always think about fun party favors. Goofy, but I am sure they won't mind.

It turned out so colorful and happy looking I thought I would share it with you.
Easy and yummy if you are into peanuts and sugar. Who isn't?

Fall Mix-
2 bags of M&M's
1 Lg. jar of mixed nuts
1 Lg. jar of honey roasted peanuts
3 small pkgs. of candy corn or 1 lg. bag
Mix and try not to eat half of it while you are mixing.
Enjoy...and share.
Blessings on your Saturday. Fall is coming...


I think that's a great idea and I don't know a boy/man that doesn't like a fun treat!
You are so sweet!
Diana Ferguson said…
I need some of this!!!! Yum
Wa Wa Waughs said…
I'm having Bunko at my house soon and that looks like a good treat for the tables!
Smelling Coffee said…
Hi! I was looking behind the scenes of my blog & noticed your address. So nice to meet you! Your blog definitely carries the beautiful aroma of Jesus. :)

Many blessings of the Lord to you & your family.

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