Kitchen Island-Let There Be Red...

Above is a before picture of our kitchen island.
The picture below is how is looks after about three coats of brick red paint.
Here is my question to all of you who are painting wizards. Should I put an antique glaze over the red? Hmmm....I need advice. I like it the way it is but might like it better with an antique look. What cha think?

The next project is to put handles and knobs on the doors and drawers. :( Not too excited about that job but will love it when it is finished.

We are also going to paint the kitchen and living and dining room a mossy green. When? I have no idea. Saving up my energy for that task. I had a bid from a painter for $990.00 to paint it.
I think not, but I wish so.

My brother Michael sent me this picture
taken at the Ranch a week or so ago.
Just when you think God has given you the blessing of seeing a most beautiful sunset, He makes the next one even more amazing. 
Blessings on your day! Amy


Beautiful sunset! Love the red, but the antique might look nice too!
I love it!! Gave it just the right touch.
L*O*V*E the red!!! I think it would look great either way...maybe it would depend on what type/color of handles you use??

Oh my goodness...that sunset is gorgeous.

Have a wonderful week.
i wish i were closer...i would help you paint....for free! lol
jean said…
The red pop is gorgeous! It put even more character into the kitchen. The antique glaze would probably look pretty wonderful. The sunset is beautiful!
Celeste Smith said…
I think I would like it with an antique touch! Love the color! I have a question for you...we have the same grooved design on our hard was that part to sand and paint?
Amy said…
The instuctions I had said to just use kilz and then paint over. It took about 3 coats. I did not sand and it looks great. I am thinking the stain is a go. Now to just find time to do it!

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