And Life Goes On...

Warning- Sappy, sentimenal post.
This will be interesting for my husband and mother and that might be about it. I ran across an envelope of old pictures last night. Sometime I just miss those precious early family days. Life was taxing and physically hard but so wonderful. As sweet as our boys were when they were little and as much as I cherish those days, nothing can compare to knowing these boys as men.  Nothing is better than watching your children grow and develop friendships and struggle into the men God desires them to be.

The gentle giants at a recent Aggie game with their house mates. They are by the way- the best and most super housemates they could ask for.
Thankful for you John and John Mark!
The giants just being silly college students.
 Will and friends in San Diego at the Stay Classy Awards.
 I miss these days though.  What fun they were.
 How did that cuddly, bear of a boy turn into this man? My how time flies.
 Classic older brother taking care of his little brother pic.
 This is one of my favorites.  The boys posing with Cinderella in their matching homemade Disneyland shirts.
 Will- first haircut.
 Will- with sweet Mamamia.  She loved babies. I loved her.
Still think of her often and can't wait for our heavenly reunion.
I am sure my mama has these thoughts alot too.  Precious days gone by.
So, I cherish and will always think fondly of sweet days gone by.
Of childhood fun and memories.
Of  precious moments imprinted on my heart.
Now...we make new memories and imprints, and continue to watch all of us grow.
Everyday is filled with opportunity to bless and love people.
To continue our story.
I am thankful to be alive.
Thankful to be loved.
Thankful for children.
Thankful most of all for our loving God who gives meaning to this life.
Deut. 6: 4-9
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.  These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.  Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.  Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.  Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.

Yes. We cannot talk about You enough God. Help us to have Your words on our hearts.
Please help us to teach our children to love You with all their heart, soul and strength.

Blessings on your week! Amy


Okay, I am a sucker for the sappy and I got a little teary eyed reading your post! I look at your sweet boys and how much they have changed and realize how quickly my littles are growing too! Bittersweet and wouldn't change a second of it! I ran into another mom at the gym today that has quads in college and she shared how rewarding it is to see her kids struggling to be what God wants them to be as well and it gives me hope! I guess God wanted to encourage me to remember how time quickly passes and that I should cherish every minute...thanks for that reminder, friend!
Wa Wa Waughs said…
Somehow this one slipped by me! Sweet memories. Love to see how your kiddos grew and changed through the years. It is wonderful and scary to see them as adults. Thanks for sharing.

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