On My Mind Monday...

Our youngest giant came over a few days ago and drug out all of our old photos to look at. He spent alot of time laughing at all of my old hair styles. Thank you very much. Yes, they are funny. What was I thinking? Why was there not a hair intervention for me? Did people not care? :)
Anyway, the photo below the bad hair photo had us all smiling.
My Grandparents- DaddyHollis and Mamamia.
Wes does not remember her very well. Makes my heart hurt. She was such a gentle, precious person.
Miss her.  She had so much fun with all of these rowdy boys. 
We went to a lovely wedding on Saturday. It was so sweet it made me cry.
Aren't these streamers fun? It was enchanting.
 Wedding Cake in the sunshine.
Case has been playing backup for the Texas Longhorns all season. This is him giving a short interview after the game on Sat. By the way- he came in and from behind helped the team score 2 touchdowns in about 3 or 4 minutes before the end. Begs the question...why is he not starting? Hmmm...
Anyway, we are so proud of you Case! Thank you for speaking God's name and giving Him glory the first words out of your mouth on national tv.
Wow, this blog post is getting more random as it goes.
These sweet puppies were being sold in our HEB parking lot yesterday. Yes, I fell in love with all nine of them. I just wanted one but it was a no go with the husband. I am still trying to think of some way to convince him. Precious puppies.
Last but not least. This storm coming in on the East Coast is really frightening. This is a picture from this morning in New Jersey and the storm is still 8 hours or so out from hitting the coast.  We are in serious prayer for this part of the country. May the good Lord protect and preserve life.
Blessings on your Monday. Amy
If you have not voted. PLEASE vote.
When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice;
but when a wicked man rules, the people groan. Proverbs 29:2


Wa Wa Waughs said…
I like the random post! Our lives are so filled with so many things! Good job, Case!

P.S. I wore glasses like that way back when!
Vickie said…
Hi Amy - Great pictures and I think your hair looked cute! Dorothy Hamill? Didn't we all do that? LOL! I had big huge 80's hair - my kids laugh at me, too. Well, we can find satisfaction that they, too, will be laughed at by their kids!

Yes, I'm voting tomorrow morning bright and early. And Yes, we are praying for the northeast, too. Tony and I just came back from New England and I think we got out just in time!
Love this blog post! I am having one of those days where I just want to freeze time. The kids are growing so fast and your blog posts always make me appreciate the stage I am in even more! BTW, awesome hair!

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