Birds. Christmas. Comfort.

They are finally here. I was beginning to think that this backyard somehow repelled birds.
I was missing the little guys a lot. We think that the hummingbirds last summer and fall chased away all of our birds. We watched them chase away birds. Meanies.
They have now decided after months that the coast is clear. Whew.
Love em.
(By the way-you are showing your age when you fall in love with watching birds. I know. Don't care.)

Matthew 6:26 -Look at the birds in the air. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, but your heavenly Father feeds them. And you know that you are worth much more than the birds.
Of course this RED bird is my favorite. Gorgeous.
Don't you love how a red bird sings? So lovely.

Speaking of red-this is my Christmas present from my family. (Picture below)
I have been dreaming of red pendant lights to go over this long bar since we moved into this house.
They are as pretty as I thought they would be.
My husband even loves them! This was one of the best Christmas presents ever.
For some reason I can't get any pictures to show how red they are.
There is a lot of painting that really needs to be done within these walls.
At my age (50 something) every time I paint a room I have to have time to recover from the soreness.
Getting older is not for sissy's. Grrr.
Since the kitchen had it's little face lift I decided to go ahead and paint the laundry room and try to get organized. (a tall order for me)
I love how it turned out...
I would show you before pictures, but I am afraid that you
just might not recover and might go into shock if you viewed them.
I am saving you from that image being imprinted on your brain for days to come.
You are welcome.
Enough house talks and pics.
It's not all that important anyway.
As a dear friend of mine said long ago, "It's all gonna burn someday, so we should be focused more on people than on our houses looking top notch." Thank you Lisa dear for those words. True. True.

I have thought a lot about the word "comfort" lately.
I think we have all at one time or another have been in the midst of terrible heartache and terror for ourselves or someone we love.
We have experienced it in this life.
When something tragic happens- the shock of it is tremendous.
There is no comfort anywhere. On earth that is.

You know all of the places that you love and are usually comforting-
Maybe it is under a warm, favorite blanket.
In front of a big fire with a toasty cup of coffee.
On top of a gorgeous mountain with a view that is spectacular.
Next to a rippling stream so lovely and filled with beauty that you can't help but be comforted?
At your own kitchen table surrounded by family.
Or even being in the presence of people that you love and you see that even their arms around you can't comfort you.
When terrifying things in life happen, there is only one source of comfort.
Even sometimes comfort from Jesus means laying down in the trenches and banging your knees up and shedding tear after tear and struggling and asking and pleading for that peace that passes understanding.
And the comfort and peace comes for His children.
One thing I do know that if we have put the Word of our Awesome God on our hearts- the Spirit in us comforts as nothing else can.
The Spirit comforts through the blessing of scriptures and promises
being brought to mind constantly and in this the peace flows.
The comfort comes.
The breath comes.
Only through Jesus.

He comforts us every time we have trouble,
so when others have trouble,
we can comfort them with the same comfort God gives us.
2 Corinthians 1:4

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:4-6

Bottom line...nothing in this life matters except being a humble, loving, glorifying...child of God.
NOTHING matters except living in His grace and love, serving and walking in every moment with the thought of pleasing Him in all that we do.
Blessings on your day!  Amy


Wa Wa Waughs said…
What a powerful message! Thanks for the reminder. I think you've done some beautiful things to your home but it's clear where your heart is...
Becky W said…
LOVE everything about your post today! Thank you for sharing your heart with us!
Elaine said…
Love all the pretty red. Wish I had your laundry room. Mine is very small. Glad you got the lights you wanted. :)

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