A Peaceful Place...

Tucked up in the Davis Mountains here in Texas is the town of Ft. Davis and the Davis Mountain State Park. You have to really want to be here in the peace and solitude because it is a far away place. It has become one of our favorite spots on earth to go back in time (our memories of camping times past) and back in time in Texas history. We don't really want too many people to know about this little gem of a place for fear of it getting too crowded, but I guess you close friends can be in on the secret.
Here is Ft. Davis, Indian Lodge in the state park and the Ft. Davis old fort in pictures. Enjoy...

 Indian Lodge...
 McDonald Observatory...

 Trail from Indian Lodge over into the old fort...

The fort...

 Downtown Ft. Davis. One main street. A gorgeous old hotel. Soda shop. Rocking chairs and peace...


Wa Wa Waughs said…
That looks nice and warm! Ready for some warmth!
Vickie said…
Hi Amy - Oh I was so glad to see this post! I've been through Ft Davis and stayed there several times on our way to Mexico for mission trips. Did y'all drive out to the Marfa lights? Altho barren I love that part of Texas - it's SO different from EAst Texas. Ate that that restaurant... walked around town and visited some of these sights. Actually, I haven't been to the lodge, but I will make that a priority next time. Great pics! Especially your pretty polished toes! Have a great week!
Anonymous said…
What a beautiful place. I can see why you would want to keep this place a secret!
I love visiting historical places like this. Enjoyed it through your eyes.

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