Be Hospitable- Don't Be Afraid...
Romans 12:12 & 13- Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13 Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. In our last Sunday morning bible class we talked about Hospitality from the view point of being a disciple of Jesus and wanting to disciple people for Jesus. What we heard and what we know to be true about how people feel is that we are just not good at it anymore. We have a host of reasons why. Some thoughts about being hospitable that hold us back: My house is too small -people will think it is not nice enough. We all have this terrible pressure of thinking and knowing that our house does not measure up to a lot of friend's houses and especially to Pinterest houses. I say- who cares! EVERYONE feels this way. I don't care if you have the most beautiful house in the town you live in. Well- there are a few who feel their house is awesome I am sure, but really- most people are a little insecure about...