Flowers, Prayer, Friends and Snakes...

I had a beautiful blessing this week.
I spent a little time with my Mom and her precious prayer group friends.
They all met down at Horseshoe Bay close to Marble Falls, TX.,
for a week of fellowship and fun and prayer.

This group of women has been together for 42 years. For all those years they have been loving and praying for each other and for their children and their families. What a blessing it has been to know that we were always being praying for. If we had concerns or sorrow or problems or joys we would let them know and be so comforted in the knowledge that they were in serious prayer for us. 

As I prayed with them and listened to their hearts I was so humbled and in awe of our gracious and compassionate God.  They always pray that not a one of their loved ones would be lost to this world. I pray too that everyone of the people these women love, adore and pray for will be drawn strongly to God and will feel and see and know His love.  I pray that prayer also that not a one will be lost and that we will all be in heaven together. What a joy that will be.

I didn't want to leave that sweet fellowship and some day I wont have to.
I like that thought.

By the way- the flowers this spring in the hill country of Texas are gorgeous.
I wanted to show a few pictures of the house we stayed in. It was lovely.
I have seen pictures of doors like this on Pinterest or in magazines but not in person.
Super cool.
The living room was huge and comfy and bright with a
bank of large windows that looked out over the pool and lake.

These are precious, precious women...
There was a lot of laughter...
My sweet mama...
This is really her... :)
My world is sweeter and more God centered and a happier place to live in because of her...

On to a little different subject-
We have seen two of these critters in the last few weeks.
I have never seen a Copper head snake before.
Hate. Snakes.
The morning this pic was taken I had just prayed our boys would be safe in their job that day working outside in a backyard. This is what they came upon and thank goodness they saw him first and had a hoe handy. Snake number three in a few weeks time. Corral snake. One of the nastiest.
Thank you God for your protection.
This has been a long post- thank you for sticking around to finish reading it all.
Words of encouragement, if you are waiting on God for any reason- Praise Him as you wait.
Blessings! Amy


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