Backyard Birds...

I'm still enjoying the birds.
Who da thought I would turn out to be so fascinated with these little creatures.
God just so wows me with the small details of His creation.
My Mom used to occasionally wake us up with this sweet song/poem-

Little birdie with the yellow bill
Hopped upon the window sill,
Cocked his shining eye, and said,
"Aren't you 'shamed, you sleepy head?"

I think of those days and her smile and hear her voice sometimes when I am birdie watching.
Please don't think I sit by the window all day long waiting on birds. Paaalease. :)
I don't.  I just keep my camera by the window and catch some good photos in the middle of busy days.
It is a bird party in our backyard so it is not hard to catch them posing.
 Hey you! You! Have a beautiful day!
Talk to you soon! Blessings! Amy


Wa Wa Waughs said…
Sweet! We know that song too! I've tried to catch the cardinals in our backyard on camera but they are too fast for me!

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