Life Moves On...

How in the world did time pass so quickly from this little boy being this young...
and carrying around sweet Nyla. Everywhere. All the time.
 To this...the before mentioned little boy all grown up and driving to a summer job with his 16 year old cousin and his dog-12 hours away from home. How does this happen so fast?
 Meanwhile this fun care package is flying to Peru...
To enjoy the company of these two Mighty Men.
How did they get to be men? My mind is still amazed at the passing of time.
We even learn new things about our children when they are millions of miles away (well not millions, but it feels that way). Who knew our oldest gentle giant could take pictures like this? Amazing.
These wonderful men are both blogging. If you want to hear about their Peruvian adventures- go to these websites. Fair warning though- if you don't want to read about Jesus and how amazing He is you might not want to click over. I am proud of how these men are digging and learning and blessing.


Wa Wa Waughs said…
Nice pics from Peru and Happy birthday to that grown up baby of yours!

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