Watching the Sun Rise and Set...

We were so blessed to be able to pool our money (three families) and afford a sweet little gorgeous house to enjoy for our vacation this summer. It was a wonderful few days and very much anticipated by Sid and I to have our two gentle giants back from their summer adventures and with us on this trip. One was in Peru and one at Camp Blue Haven in New Mexico.
Being back together was very good. :)
We drove 10 hours to Gulf Shores, Alabama...right up to the water's edge.
This house had a lovely porch on one end and a screened porch in the middle overlooking the ocean.
This is our wonderful nephew Ben enjoying the view.
We had a few days of semi sun then a nice little tropical (sort of-hurricane...well it felt like it) depression hit the shore. These gentle giants loved it because it made the waves big. There was a bit of concern because of rip tide warnings but that did not stop them from riding those waves. What did stop them after an hour or so was a big ole jelly fish wrapping around their bodies. Ouch.

 The stormy weather sure made for some awesome sunrise and sunset viewings.
 Kicked back and listening to the ocean.
Have you ever played Settler's of Catan? These guys are really into this game.
Sid looks skeptical. ha. Will learned to play in Peru this summer.
 I think this wonderful man read at least two books in five days sitting right there.
 Sweet house on a gorgeous beach.

 Love this man. Forever and every day. Blessed.
 God paints the sky so lovely.
Just being on the beach was a blessing. Being able to see the beauty and hear the roar of the waves. To feel the sand between my toes and to enjoy the sun beating down. The time to rest and relax and laugh and have no schedule.

But...far beyond all of those wonderful things the best thing about this vacation was being with people that we love. My Dad asked the four boys to speak to us each evening about their summer and what they learned spiritually. They took turns each night and it was really special. We were blessed to "hear" their hearts and how God had touched and moved them over the summer and also we heard how we could be praying for them.  How special it was to lovingly lay hands on these precious children of ours and pray over them. It was a time I will always cherish and it was a blessing that helped me to know them better and to love them more fully.

"A Day at the Beach"

A day at the beach
What could be
More fun
Than playing in
The sand
The surf
The sun

Building castles
And rivers
And splashing
In the waves
There's no better
Way to spend
Hot summer days
 Author: Sharon Froese
So, I hope and pray you were able to enjoy some down time and watch the sun rise and set at least few relaxing days this summer. We sure enjoyed our time to rest. 
Have a great day!


Wa Wa Waughs said…
Oh, those gorgeous sunsets! I love that your whole family got to go...sweet. Those were some big waves!
What a great vacation! Those pictures are gorgeous. Sounds like a wonderful time with family. Glad you got to enjoy!!
Liz Crittenden said…
So glad y'all take these special times together as family! Would LOVE to hear about the boys summer. Have enjoyed reading Will & Case's blogs. Settlers is something we have played for YEARS!! Seems like a game many missionary families enjoy (maybe cause we spend a lot of time doing things together & it is a game that takes TIME & THINKING) Blessed by the music playing on your blog -- listen to it most days. Could use some time with YOU! Hugs & Blessings!

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