Thanksgiving Peace...

Romans 8: 18-19
18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth
 comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. 
19 For the creation waits in eager expectation
 for the children of God to be revealed. 
Blessed so much to spend a few days on our family ranch.
Land that you can walk on for miles and be still and listen to the quiet.
There are not many sounds out there except for the distant train and wind through the trees.

Oh, well-there are those occasional gun shots of hunters bagging a trophy deer. Yes, that too.
Mostly, though, our hunters love to sit by themselves in a blind or high seat up in the trees and watch the world wake up or go to sleep and talk to God and listen to nature.
I get why they like to hunt so much.
The quiet. We don't get that much anymore.

Thanksgiving was a blessed, wonderful time with family and friends this year.
Thankful for every moment.
 The trees were lovely and the sky so blue.
 Sure do love this gentle giant.
These cousins have lots of fun together.
They have done life together and have grown closer to God together. Thankful.
 Two of my sisters. I am blessed with their love and friendship.
 My big brother giving fatherly advice and a bow hunting lesson.

Love standing in front of this fireplace.
Many great conversations have been enjoyed right here.
This is Lucy.
She is more fun than a barrel of monkeys.
We love her even though we step on her in the little kitchen when all the girls are cooking.
Sorry Lucy.
This guy does not have a name.
He is creepy. Always staring. Random dumb picture and comment.
Blessings on your day!
I pray your December is slow and peaceful and thoughtful.
I chose peace.
Check out this wonderful website about the season of Advent.


Wa Wa Waughs said…
Nice. Just looking at your peaceful moments calms me down. Thanks for sharing!
Love the pics~the ranch looks like such an awesome place! You have two very handsome boys...but I must say...your youngest looks like a model, he should be in a magazine! Have a Merry Christmas Amy!

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