Friends. Freedom. Fearless Squirrels...

"If you live to be a hundred, 
I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you."

"Any day spent with you is my favorite day. So, today is my new favorite day."

"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. but the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. I'll always be with you."
Winnie the Pooh
There are those friends (sisters) in life that no matter how long it has been since you have been together that the moment you catch her smile and glance you are instantly slipping back into that comfortable, beautiful friendship.  My friend Lisa above is one of my closest heart friends in the story of my life,(everyone has a story).  Her son married a lovely young girl last Saturday in Ft. Worth. It was a happy celebration and we were able to see so many people that we love so dearly. Terri and Sheri are two more precious friends that I really miss from deep down in my heart.  
Isn't it awesome that God provides sisters that are real and down to earth and concerned most of all about Jesus and furthering the Kingdom of God?! How blessed we are when we have relationships like that even though we may not be living in the same place physically. I know that they are out there and that they will always be there for me. No matter what. (Not necessarily in the physical sense, but spiritually and after all, that matters the most.)  
Beautiful. So- the quaint, sweet Winnie the Pooh quotes above really are how I feel. 
Just call me Pooh Bear. 

Call us crazy but we just sold our house and are moving.
We. Are. So. Excited.
We realized that we could pay off some debt if we sold and hatched a scheme to buy a significantly cheaper house and to have much lower PAYMENT, and so...we did. God seems to be blessing it all and so in a few weeks we will live in this lovely 57 year old grandmothery house across town. Yes, it is in a more diverse (we are glad) part of town and yes probably, well certainly more risky crime wise, but we are thinking that we want things for us to look a little different. It's not for everyone but this idea IS for us.  Goodbye trying to keep up with the Jones's (whoever they may be and not that we ever could) and goodbye to the American dream that says you have to keep pursuing more and more expensive things. We are done. We would rather bank some cash to travel to see our son and daughter in law in Arizona or Sid's sister in Seattle or his brother in Colorado Springs. (Did I say we LOVE to travel?) Or save to have more to help people in need or to pay those college bills. Eeeek!! Anyway, we are over the top excited. 
Come on over in a month or so for a cup of coffee! 
 I LOVE the old built in cabinetry...
Would you look at that lovely bookcase! What a fun room this will be...
Yes, I will miss our kitchen and our red pendant lights and red island...(very sad face)...
But- I am very infatuated with these limy/whatever green this is cabinets and the light that flows into this kitchen...
Well- enough of that house stuff for now.
Just a little update on how hot it is here.
Our squirrel that eats most of my bird seed is so hot he just layed on the concrete and stared at me hoping that I would not try to chase him off. Well- begging me not to make him move. Cooling his belly.
I have to admit he is pretty cute.
I think I have posted this scripture before but here it is again- twice won't hurt. 
It is that GOOD!


Natalie said…
Amy, so happy for you:). We did just the same thing! Found a small fixer upper in the country, prayed about it and felt led to put in a bid. We got the house and are moved in and love it. We really felt led to downsize but yet to hav sold our other home. Trusting God.
Wa Wa Waughs said…
Loaded post! Congrats on your decision to move - we are struggling with similar ideas!
NanaNor's said…
Hi Amy, You described what true friendships are; I am blessed that my next door neighbor and I remain the best of friends even after we moved out of state. I know you'll love your new nest and the freedom you'll have there.
Have a blessed day!
Becky W said…
YAY for you! I have always admired how you continue to look to God for guidance! Thank you for the reminder from God's Word! That is one of my all time favorite verses!!!!

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