October Love...

October has been lovely so far. 
I heard someone say today that they love the fact that they live in a world where there are Octobers. 
I agree. 

Autumn is my favorite time of year. 
I think a lot of people think the same thing.
God gives us fresh cool air at a time when we think we cannot stand the heat any longer with it's oppressive and smothering humidity. 
We see and hear autumn coming from afar because of the clash of the cold and hot air. 
Massive clouds pile up and blow and flash and yell and we love it. 

The change of seasons is so refreshing. I think God knew we needed this coolness and He blessed us with it just because He delights in us and probably loves hearing us exclaim and rejoice over how wonderful it is.   

The sun shines so bright after a storm and the skies are more blue when the air is cool.
Early morning walks are delightful and soon we will crunch brown leaves under our feet and breathe in the sweet aroma of smoke spiraling out of chimneys.
Until then though we will enjoy the last of the flowers and hummingbird sightings and warm sun.

It's also more fun to cook in the fall.
We so enjoy big pots of soup and cornbread and it's not so hot in the kitchen with the oven turned up high as compared to the hot summer days.
This morning we enjoyed a Texas scramble.
Eggs, spinach, onion, bacon- scrambled with cheese and avocado on top. Delish.
That is water kefir in the back of the picture. If you want to learn to make it go here:
We enjoyed a big pot of soup and cornbread and apple dumplings last night.
So fun to have my father in law and Uncle Jim over for supper and for 42.
These guys are very competitive and love their domino's.
See how great my father in law looks? He was in the hospital last Monday night very sick with his heart. Found out he needed a pacemaker and had one put in the next morning. Waa laa- he is back to the energizer bunny person that he has always been. So very, very thankful.
This is an upclose of the apple dumplings. I did not eat any because of my gluten restrictions but man they smelled heavenly. They were also consumed this morning with coffee by someone in my house. I had never made them before and they were so easy. I used this recipe:
I hope that your October Saturday has been as sweet as ours.


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