It's The Little Things & Colt McCoy Beat The Cowboys...

We had a whirlwind weekend a week ago that was too fun to put into words. It started with these two wonderful people flying in to spend a few days in Dallas with us.  We all attended an incredible workshop on Sat. (Old School is the name of it. Remember that name because when this workshop comes close to your town you will want to go. It was incredible.) 
We then played and ate and visited and shopped.  
Wow. Every moment spent with our newlyweds and Wes is precious. 
We are so blessed.
This is the tranquil backyard of our friends that we stayed with. Lovely.
 THIS is their cat. Fluffy and gorgeous.
I realize that these are random silly pictures that really don't seem to have a link to each other. I guess I just wanted to show you the little things that made me smile.  God places incredible beautiful things everywhere around us to delight and awe.  There are so many more little happenings than big happenings in life. I like the saying  "Stop and smell the roses". Seeing the beauty and most importantly giving thanks to our awesome God for it. It really is the little things that matter most of the time.
THIS though (below)- was kind of big thing.
Colt got us tickets to the Cowboys and Redskins game on Monday night.
What a blast it was.  We have always liked the Cowboys just like most other people that reside in Texas, but on that Monday night- we were Redskins fans.
I hear there were not many positive comments about Colt from commentators but I am telling you that he and his teammates sure hushed the Cowboys stadium. So proud of him and his integrity and commitment to his teammates and team. He always gives one hundred percent and is always ready. I give thanks and praise that he uses his voice for glorifying God.  He is the real deal quarterback and the real deal lover of Jesus. Yep.
 Colt and Brad...
 It's always good to be together...

We headed home after the game. It was a long drive with a Waffle House stop in the middle to keep us going. (Just coffee for me.)  These guys are waffle crazy. If you want some interesting people watching time- the Waffle House after midnight is your place to go. The 4 a.m. arrival home was a bit painful but seeing that game was worth it. Go Redskins- as long as Colt is on your team.
Oh, by the way, you should have started him Sunday. :)
This. This too is a BIG thing...

Rom 8:19-Rom 8:24 NIV—For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God. We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies.


Wa Wa Waughs said…
That does sound like a lot of fun! What a blessing you all were able to be together. More and more our kids are counting days off and trying to figure out vacation time and it makes it hard.
Anonymous said…
The Dallas Cowboys may have lost, but Texas always wins when Colt turns in an awesome performance! What a blessing that game was to watch!

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