The Secret Hideaway...

We escaped to our secret hideaway a few weekends ago.
This lovely place also happens to be where this sweetie pie lives. Her and her brother were in a school play and we were blessed to be able to cheer them on and enjoy an evening of fun.
The cousins enjoy some laughs...
A pumpkin you say? Yes- a pumpkin. We wanted to get him something and flowers for boys who do splendid acting just don't work. I say a pumpkin was genius. Funny too.
Our secret hideaway is also the place our new married son and wife spent the first month or two of their marriage. There are still sweet notes on mirrors around the place from her to him. Warms my heart.
 It won't be long until the lovely colors of plants and flowers will be no more. Enjoy.
One of the fun outings at the secret hideaway is arrow head hunting.
We seem to find one every time we go looking. Is that cool or what?!
Hope you enjoyed this little peek of our hideaway.
I also hope you have a secret place that you go to to refresh and be still.
I pray it is a place that helps you to connect with God and people you love.


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