Coffee and Dreams...

Hey friends! Wow, the New Year is FLYING!!  You know when you are about to have an empty nest (those sweet kids are flying away) and wonder what you will do with all of your time and you think you will just sit around and cry and watch the time tick past? Well- who ever said that is crazy!!
We are working and busy with church and some travels and many other fun things this life has to offer.

As the days fly by I realize more and more that the statement above and below in these pictures is very accurate. Coffee is pretty mandatory every day not just because of the caffeine content but also because it just tastes good and is warm and comforting. It's a thing.  But...more importantly, is the fact that I need Jesus a lot more than I need coffee and I need a whole lot of Him. Kind of like when I take the bread plate during communion and sometimes my thought is "I need to eat the whole cracker!" Not because of hunger of course, but because I am THAT thankful for the saving of my life and I want as much of Jesus as I can get into me!! Right?

This sweet little wall applique came in the mail today and I LOVE IT!
(The little boys in the photo on the bottom left? Love them more.)
Here is a secret dream of mine.
I guess the moment I let the cat out of the bag that it will not be a secret any more. Not sure why it is...
We have been doing a lot of thinking about what God is calling us to do for the rest of our lives.  I have no idea if this might be a part of His plan but I am talking to Him about it.

Wouldn't it be fun and gratifying to run a B and B especially in an old historic home with a acre of land around it? Part of the dream is to have a neighborhood garden and even possibly a work program and food for the needy program somehow. Just dreams, but we will see...
This beauty is up for sale. Oh, how fun it would be.
Dreeeeeeeeeeeam, dream, dream, dream...

P.S.- Registration for Camp Blue Haven youth camp is tonight at 9:00pm SHARP!If you want your kiddos to attend the best Christian Youth camp in the country- pop over to and register tonight. You have to type fast and hit the go button quick. It is very competitive. Good luck and we are already praying for the new counselors and all of the campers that will cross that bridge this summer.

Jesus is better than anything the world offers!


Wa Wa Waughs said…
I'd come stay at your B & B! It's good to dream.
Sandi said…
Love, love, LOVE that applique!
Joyful said…
Enjoyed your post and your pictures.
I too am at that point of seeking God for what to do with the rest of my life. I'm in that transitional phase. Blessings.

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