New Year- Bring It On!...

Yes- well, not too fat but the kind of uncomfortable fluffiness that is just irritating!!
So...this is where we decided to start our new 2015 year early this morning. Planet Fitness!!
I promise, I might be REALLY fat if I did not have a wonderful husband that encourages me to exercise.
I love how I feel after I workout. It's getting a little easier attitude wise after all these years. 
Thank goodness!! Fluffiness BE GONE!!
 We also started this day in a renewed effort to include this yummy green drink back into our routine daily.
Here though, is the part of the day I am looking forward to. :)
As my husband has been heard saying more than once- "It is stinkin-eyed-dog cold" here today. We are not having ice or snow like so many but rain and in the 30's is chilly. SO- it's soup time!! I found this recipe for Cream Cheese Chicken Chili a month or so ago and have made it several times since. LOVE IT!!
Here is my very, very lazy way of giving you this recipe (a photo!): 
One or two things about it- I have also made it on the stove top like above instead of the crock pot. When made this way for just a soup recipe add 4 cups of chicken broth.   Simmer for 45 minutes or so.  We just eat it with tortilla chips and call it a soup instead of chili. It would be great with cornbread too.


Becky W said…
Going to have to try the recipe!!!! God's richest blessings for you and yours this new year!
Wa Wa Waughs said…
Oh, I love cream cheese but I've never heard of it in soup before! I'll try this one!
Vickie said…
Hi Amy - This soup looks great! Just the think to take the chill off this cold weather we're having right now. I'm so ready for spring (but I don't want to trade in the 60 days of January and February.) I really do not like this time of year, the dreary cloudy cold days leave me kinda blue...

I got your comment from awhile back. Thank you for stopping by to check on me. 2014 was a tough year for me and our family losing my sister. It was also the year Lisa and I had our first grand babies. My little granddaughter has been such a delight to me and has helped immensely in making my heart feel better. God is so good! He provides JOY in the midst of sorrow! He always knows what we need. And the funny thing is that both of these little ones, my Bella and Lisa's Gauge, were a complete surprise! I think it was a God-wink for our families! Hope your holidays were wonderful with your kiddos!

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