Happy Heart on Valentines Day...

I hope that your Valentines Day was a happy one.  Truthfully- I don't care for it much.  You see, people should love and cherish each other on every day that exists on the calendar.  I have a husband that does that beautifully and I am thankful.  The pressure that goes along with doing something fabulous on Valentines is enough to make me pull my hair out. I guess that is just a cop out in a way to allow me to be lazy or not care, but I do truly hate the pressure.

I also feel sorry for people that find themselves single on this day of love and cherubs and flowers and chocolates. I have been there too, years ago and I recently saw the tears of a person I love talking about how it is painful to see all the exchanges of love by couples on Valentines Day. She has a heart of gold and knows that God is enough and is her Valentine, but still, it is hard.

Anyway, I say all of this because it is how I have always felt.  So- this Valentines, I did not want to be the person dreading not being able to do the right thing or something good enough for my man, so...I just did something. Just did something.

For me that is good. You see I have a tendency to withdraw and just take my ball and go home if you will if I am feeling insecure. Weird. I am not even sure why I am writing all of this right now, and I for sure am beginning to think I am entering into the you are not making any sense zone. Yes. I am.

ANYWAY-  We did Valentines this year and I really enjoyed it. We just went and did what we were drawn to do and I loved it. We picked up Thai food in Styrofoam boxes and grabbed a few blankets and some chocolate covered strawberries and headed to our local downtown amphitheater to watch "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" on a big screen with 10 or so other random couples enjoying each other's company.  We laughed and loved being outside and held hands and ate good food out of a box.  We then walked down the street to a coffee shop and drank lattes and held hands across the table and talked about today and the future and about Jesus.  It was good.  I am thankful for my Valentine of  26 years and came to the realization that we only have today and to get out there and love and celebrate.  No guilt and no pressure. Our love is our love and it is good.

So- here we are in the week after Valentines Day and we press on. 
My prayer for all of us today is this:
Father God, please give us healthy fear and awe of You. Please give us a secure fortress of faith for ourselves and our children. Help us to spread this saving knowledge of faith to everyone that we meet. Thank you for being our refuge in good times and in times of trouble. In the precious name of Jesus. Amen.


Wa Wa Waughs said…
Amy, I have a lot of the same feelings about this! (no surprise!) Which is why, especially this year being the first V day my sister has without her husband, that I didn't post any mushy pictures. Not that it's wrong to do that. I think you are right about not setting such high expectations that no one can fill them! We had a "whatever date" the night before going bike riding, eating a hamburger, going to the store, and making my message board. We had my Mom and Sis over for a movie on V day. We both are blessed to have good Christian men that love us!
Vickie said…
Hi Amy - looks like you had a wonderful Valentimmmmmmes! Yep I still say that! My hubby and I were together, too, - both at home coughing and sneezing and sharing our colds! How romantic is that???
Anonymous said…
Love, love, love your blog! Keep sharing from the heart, you are an inspiration to many, just wish you wrote more often, thanks

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