See the Beauty...

I need to breathe. 
I need to let go of the stress and the busy schedule and just for a moment, kick my shoes off and feel the dirt between my toes. I need to feel the wind and sun on my face and be quiet before my God.

I needed to open my eyes to truly see the beauty around me. 

Even when where we are is not the loveliest of places like windy mesquite tree filled west Texas, it can be beautiful.

There is beauty to be seen everywhere.
We just have to open our eyes and try to see beyond ourselves for a moment.
I just needed to stop in my tracks and breathe. 
Oh, and enjoy the blessing of sharing a visit with two of my favorite people- 
Jan and Burl.

I needed to look and smell, walk and be still.


Looking closely we see the shades of green and the weeds that flower and new babies figuring out life.

 I praise Him for the striped skies of cotton candy clouds
 and for skies burning with the color of late evening.
Thank you God for old friends that stare and
remnants of times gone by. Harder times, but good times.
Thank you for faithful animals that are loyal and loving.

 All praise Father for new friends with funny features and a name that makes us smile. Tony Llama.
 I need to see the small fantastic tiny details that God places before me.
I need to marvel at the intricacy in His creation.

I need to remember that even when life is messy and hard and stressful that He provides all that I need.
I also need to think about what I truly need.
 He provides the color in my mind. 
It would all be black and white without Him.
Most of all I acknowledge that I cannot breathe or be at peace without Him dwelling in me.
He delights in us? May it be so. May we live to please and glorify Him.


Kristi said…
Beautiful post! Be still and know....breathe!! Don't you love dirt between your toes? Thank you, I love your blog!!
Wa Wa Waughs said…
Beautiful thoughts - thank you for the reminder!

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