The Dream Giver Book...

Hey friends!
In any season of life, this book is for you!

I have the most wonderful husband that ever walked the earth.Yes, it's true. He took some much needed time to hang out with me for a few days last week. We enjoyed visiting the Buckstaff Bathhouse in Hot Springs, AR and then a night in Jefferson, TX at an enchanting little bed and breakfast called The Delta Street Inn. (Check it out. You will love it.) The Delta Street Inn

The most important time we spent was doing an exercise and workbook on the book "The Dream Giver", by Bruce Wilkinson.  For several years since we became empty nesters, after our kids flew the coop, I have wrestled with and prayed over what would be next for me and for us. (Being a full time Mom was the best job ever! Hard, but so good.) Maybe better said, What do we want the back part or end years of our lives to look like and how do we want to spend them? We know that most importantly it is all about Kingdom focus and that in everything we want it to point to Jesus.  

This book was awesome. I was finally able to pinpoint specific things that I have prayed over, and some that I had never thought of to seriously pursue. We discovered we have dreams to work on together, as well as individually. We are SO VERY excited to see how we think God is directing us and anxiously are praying and working toward fulfilling these goals with God's leading and blessing.

We all must dream big dreams for God and for the Kingdom.
Please, Lord bless us to dream big for You.
 A beautiful view... DeGray Resort State Park

 Blessings on this new week and its awesome possibilities!


Wa Wa Waughs said…
Thanks for the recommendation! Our house is full at the moment, but with college starting soon, we will be empty nesters (kind of) again. Funny life transition!

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