Family Time...

Goodness. Life is moving on.
 It has been months since I have touched this lonely little blog. I am loving keeping our precious granddaughter during the week days even though it has been a major change. When I think about something I would like to blog about in the evenings I am too tired! ha. 
The eb and flow of life. Loving it right now. I stay in serious prayer begging God to give me strength and health and endurance to be a good daily caregiver to this little sweet girl. 

We planned this Christmas trip with our family for about a year. We saved for it and did not have any Christmas presents under the tree but reminded everyone that we would enjoy a trip together two weeks after Christmas. It was what we thought is would be in many ways but not at all what we dreamed it would be in other ways. We experienced some of the drama of the Fort Lauderdale airport shooting with our kids flying in and sitting in their plane for over 5 hours while we were sitting on the road above the airport watching the chaos.  So strange and stressful and amazing that we were there right at that time. So thankful our oldest and his family's flight was delayed for an hour and that Wes had not flown out yet. God is good to us.
This was a bit of the chaos mostly on the road above and beside the airport:

So many thoughts on the Fort Lauderdale event but one that really stuck out was that people that normally would not even have a nice or warm word for each other were helping and caring and checking on each other. Things like this draw people and hearts together.  

The cruise was a blessing and we enjoyed good family time. We loved seeing the beauty of the world that God created and the mighty vast ocean and power of the water that God put into place. 
Here are some of my favorite photos:

This is a quiet room that Sid and I enjoyed each morning. We watched the sun rise and enjoyed reading and journaling there. We also enjoyed each other's company along with lots of good coffee.
San Juan, Puerto Rico

A very cool little coffee shop in the old part of San Juan.
Peek a boo...

St. Kitt...

Pondering life...

Loving a nap on the beach...

Good to be with you guys again for a bit. 
Praying hard for our country in this time of craziness and transition. 
I hope we can live more of this statement:
We don't all have to agree to be kind.


Wa Wa Waughs said…
So glad you got to enjoy the trip despite how it began! Beautiful pictures and how fun to get to do it with your growing family!

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