1st Session Camp Blue Haven

The beauty of the water and mountains is breathtaking and lovely. The smell of the pine trees, water and the grass brings back memories of many many sweet summers. 
The peace of the Tecolote river and the view of the wooden cross by the opening and closing campfire amphitheater make my heart beat slower and steady and bless my mind to focus. This place is a tranquil spot that brings peace and renewal.
As lovely as the surroundings are if the people are not there it really is not what it is meant to be. It is just a quiet, beautiful place. Throw the people in and there is a energy and beauty that one cannot describe. I think the buzz and excitement come from everyone being so very focused on helping campers and ourselves see God more clearly and giving the encouragement to walk with Him night and day for every day after we leave this place.

How blessed we all were to be away from the crazy world for a week. May that time spent help us to see that we can stand strong in this chaotic world and show love and compassion and Jesus to others. We loved these campers:

 Shouldn't every church have this focus and goal?
 Hermits Peak behind three of our favorites-
This old barn holds so many memories and if you listen close you can hear the whispers of worship songs and words of God embedded into its frame and in the air. 

 When you mix together good old fashioned fun with God lessons and talk it seems that there is a purity of thought and life. There is joy in the Lord. Thankful.
Our big push this summer was to encourage and help our campers to BE IN THE WORD daily.  To see that it is alive and that God is alive and real and that He lives in us when we take Him on in baptism and lay our lives down. We can't ignore the Spirit of God living in us. What a waste if we do.
Oh how we love this place. 
God forsakes me never.
God bless Blue Haven forever.


Wa Wa Waughs said…
Glad you had a good week. We had an awesome worship time tonight, it's called WOW - wonder of worship. We do this singing class all summer long and it's like being at camp every Wednesday night!

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