His Word On My Heart

Good morning. Happy January! Once again, here we are taking assessment of how the past year has gone and hopefully making positive changes in daily schedules, as well as in our commitments. We are trying to think about not giving all "yes" answers, but asking God to show us the most important "yes" plans for our lives.  Saying "no" is okay. We are praying for focus and to do a few things well for the Kingdom and for our immediate and church family, instead of many things in a half-hearted way because we are too scattered to care. 

Anyone else feel that way sometimes? So...one of my hearts desires is to encourage people to schedule in daily Bible reading. I feel strongly about it because there were so many years that I walked on my own thinking I knew enough. Up until my 50th year I am ashamed to say I had not read the bible through in its entirety. How sad is that? This hope and concept that I profess and base my life on, yet I had not even listened to the voice of my God in every word of His book.  

This practice has changed life for better in every way.  Last year I made up a couple of spiral notebooks with space for daily journaling and prayers and to write down scripture that moved me or made me think from the daily Bible readings. It is very simple but yet has been a valuable tool in helping to stay anchored in the Word.  Sid and I used these spirals along with our One Year Bible for the past year. It has been a blessing to read separately but then talk about what was impressed upon us. We are amazed that each year as we read through we see how alive the Word is. There is always something new that grabs us or a scripture that draws us into deeper meaning.  God's Word, and the fact that it is supernaturally alive, is just an amazing fact and blessing. 

Hebrews 4:12For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

It judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.  Seriously. I think that is what is so moving to me.  The aliveness of it. It discerns my heart as I read it? The Spirit of God living through the Word and living in us. Blows my mind and makes me want to dig in deeper to understand more and apply to life. 

Last Christmas my Mom and Dad gave all of our family the One Year Bible.  Their hope was that we would all be reading the same life-giving words each day together. It has been a great blessing. Not perfect, believe me, but good.  Days have been missed and some days reading seems like it might be simply checking off a list that you did it.  However, as we ask God to show us what to learn we become addicted to being with Him in the Word.  It's like that first good cup of coffee in the morning. As I commit to making this a priority when first waking up, in anticipation of what He is going to reveal today, His Word helps guide my thoughts and actions.  That is comforting and exciting.

I had someone say to me a few days ago that they were just weary of just studying the Bible and not putting it into practice in real life. Agree. I believe that there is much better chance of living it out if you are dwelling in His words though. Through the way I react in stressful or challenging situations, I have realized my life is either God's way or my selfish way. Usually when it is my worldly, selfish way I have not been dwelling with Him daily and getting a refreshed mind and heart.

It's simple, and at the same time hard. But also worth scheduling it in my day. In fact, it may be so worthwhile that it determines the trajectory of my life. At first, it can feel like I am checking off a To Do list. But just lean in and listen, wait and see how He explodes your heart and mind with the movement of the Spirit in His words of life when you commit to being in daily fellowship with Him.

If you are interested in reading with us this year and want to use this simple spiral you can pick one up here: His Word On My Heart (There is one for Men and one for Women) It is not dated so you can start any day. Just start on a Monday.

We will be sharing thoughts each Monday about the scriptures from the past week. Give it some thought, consider joining us and come along.

I will leave you with these sweet words from my Mama. GranJan.

Blessings! Amy


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