He Reads...

I am so thankful for my husband for many reasons, but the one I want to visit shortly about today is how blessed I have been to have his example all these years of daily Bible study.  He is an early riser and there have been very few mornings of our married life that he has not been up and in the Word. He reads and then journals thoughts and scriptures and then talks to God. He also reads other powerful books that point to God and to Godly leadership and good life. 

He has about 20 years of daily bible reading journals that he can look back on and remember hard times and good times and he can see how God has moved in and through and with us. He sees how God has answered prayers, not answered prayers and how He made us wait on Him for long periods of time, usually to teach us something.  One of his favorite quotes is: "Readers are leaders". I believe that after watching him grow all these years. 

Rooted deep and strong in his heart is first and foremost the Word of God. 

I am thankful that he is in love with Jesus. 
I am thankful that he gets emotional about God.
I believe that he leads a humble and sanctified life (not perfect) before God because after all these years of spending time with Him it is God he longs to please. Not me, not men, but God. 

I pray that men in our country and all over this world will lead their families to heaven. I pray that men will lead their wives. I pray that all men that seek Jesus will be committed to being in the Word. I pray they will make a daily appointment to draw near to Him, not to check off a box but to fall in love with Jesus. I pray for such a deep love that what the world has to offer will hold no appeal. 

A few days ago Wes (our 20 something year old son) and I were discussing a scripture that spoke about mighty men in the Bible. He made a comment that was haunting. He said he wished that he knew more mighty men in the church. Oh, how our young men need to see mighty men of God.  Men of God, please live out loud for Jesus. Show our young men that He is more important than anything else in your life. Please show emotion in worship about God. Let us see who your heart belongs to. In your jobs and our in the world please leave an example of uncompromising faith and honesty and trust in God. Our young men especially are watching and want to learn and want your example and want a visual, spiritual goal to strive toward. They need to see Jesus with skin on.  They need to see Him through you. 

I am so thankful for the men that I see that are living and loving for God. I pray that our boys have encounters with you mighty men of God so that they will have a bigger desire to know this God you love so much. I pray also that our girls will be drawn to Jesus because of your love and example of what a man should live like and love like. 
I took a picture of the last entry from Sid's daily bible/scripture journal from today because I wanted to see what scriptures were on his heart for the day. I especially love the last one. We talked a lot about this scripture to our boys when they were growing up. 

Bind them on your heart.
Fasten them around your neck.
When you walk they will guide you.
When you sleep they will watch over you.
When you wake they will speak for you.
The Words of God are alive. 

Right now he is also reading this super little book by Mark Batterson.

Here are a few pictures of very powerful words from the book...
I LOVE this: We don't read the Bible. It reads us. 

This verse was so sweet to me this past week:
Show me Your ways, O Lord, teach me Your paths; guide me in Your truth and teach me, for You are my Savior and my HOPE is in You all day long. Ps. 25:4-6

When we stay in the Word we realize we get to be shown how to live and be guided and taught and get the blessing of hope. 
 Have a happy week! Run with joy and let's continue to read together daily. 
 Blessings! Amy


Sandi said…
Just read an article today about Nick Foles, Quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles, becoming a Pastor. That encouraged me. There are young men out there who love the Lord.

Amy said…
Sandi: I AGREE and am so thankful. I did not mean to make it seem like I thought there were not good men out there that love the Lord. I pray for more. Just our experience lately. Blessings.
Wa Wa Waughs said…
What a great example your husband is - I'm afraid we don't share those quiet moments enough for fear we aren't showing humility. Thanks!
Amy said…
So true Robin! Maybe we should just share that kind of stuff more because it might be encouraging to other people. I felt I could share his story and it would not be bragging. I pray that it was not.

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