60 years of Wedded Bliss...

My Mom and Dad celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary this month. 
How would my Mom answer the question,"How in the world did you make it to 60?" She would say that loving God above and before the person you are married to is the key. When you both love God first and your aim is to please Him above all then your marriage works much more beautifully. So thankful for my precious Mom and Dad. 
We celebrated at Perini Steakhouse.
Yummy steak and good company.
We just couldn't get everyone in one picture.

Movie stars. Ah...life out in front of them as they charge out into the world with grand smiles on their faces and happy hearts.

I love you truly, truly dear
Life with it's sorrow, life with it's tear
Fades into dreams when I feel you are near
For I love you truly
Truly dear!

A love 'tis something, to feel your kind hand

Ah yes, 'tis something, by your side to stand
Gone is the sorrow, gone doubt and fear
For you love me truly. Truly dear! 

                                                        Perry Como

          Blessings! Amy


Wa Wa Waughs said…
What a great blessing!

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