30th Anniversary Fun...

I kind of want to gush about how awesome this wonderful human is in the pic above. Last Sunday marked our 30th year of being married to each other. It's hard to put into words what being by each other's side through these years with all the ups and downs and fun and hard things has meant to me. He is unflinchingly positive and without reserve or shame a committed Jesus follower and lover of God. He works so very hard for our little family and is the person cheering us all on and encouraging us.  His favorite thing in life is to help people succeed in life, in work, relationships and with God.

He is one of the best fathers in this world and his boys love and respect him. He inspires me to be healthy and less lazy and he has done SO many more loads of laundry and folding than I have in these 30 years. He loves the sun and sand between his toes. He will sit and watch Hallmark movies with me. He is a lover of breakfast foods especially for supper. He loves to exercise.  He is a problem solver and encourages me to believe in my gifts and to have confidence.  He makes the best coffee and is the most fun to sit and drink it with.  He makes life easier and a joy even when I am just not very lovable.

I love you Sidney. 
Let's enjoy and inspire each other for another 30 years. 

A beautiful beach at the Atlantis resort in the Bahamas.
Just a short stop on our cruise. Beautiful.

They could not tell us where Tom Selleck was. Bummer.

Such an enchanting view. Precious little girl in her old fashioned yellow coat on a busy sidewalk near Times Square.

The trip of our lifetime I think. So fun and relaxing and wonderful. We brainstormed on what we want our lives to look like in the next few years. Prayed a lot about Kingdom work and focus on Jesus. So great to stop and think about life and love and the future while being so very thankful for the past. 

Blessings on your Christmas holidays! 
We are scrambling to get it all together before the weekend.
Countdown: 5 days! 


Wa Wa Waughs said…
I loved hearing about all the little things you admire about your dear husband! I need to be more thankful and appleciative of all the little things! So glad you got to enjoy a wonderful trip and 30th anniversary!

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