Wonderful Protocol for Viral Illness- C*vid included

I have been asked by a few friends to send them this virus protocol. I feel so strongly about its ability to help viral illnesses (even the virus that is so bad right now) so I thought I would just put it on my blog for anyone to use. Of course I am not a doctor and mean no disrespect for my nurse and doctor friends that I value so much but I have seen first hand how this protocol helps people. I am hoping that it will not be censored. We will see. All info below is about this wonderful protocol and the doctor that is helping so many. 

This is a protocol for C*vid19 and other viruses recommended by Dr. Brownstein. www.drbrownstein.com 

"NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS can help to improve the immune system's ability to fight off an infection and to help it kill an active infection. I have over 25 years of practicing holistic medicine to back that statement up. I have seen it work. My partners have seen it work. My patients have seen it work. We have used this approach successfully for many viral infections. I have no doubt it will work for COVID-19 as well. -Dr. Brownstein

Video about Dr. Brownstein and his experience with treating c*vid. It is long but very interesting. I don't agree completely about everything they say but I think it is a very timely and important interview to ponder. 

I read about him when this virus was first starting and he was making testimonials about how this protocol was saving lots, (hundreds) of people with C*vid19.  About a month into the “pandemic” the Federal Trade Commission shut him down and scrubbed all access to his videos and protocol. Here are his recommendations: 

When you come down with C*vid19 symptoms:
These vitamins are to be taken for the only 4 days. 
(Note: Both Vitamin A and D are fat-soluble vitamins. They can build up in the body. These doses are NOT meant to be taken for longer than four days at time.)

Vitamin D3

— Adults: — 50,000 IU/day for four days
— Children 25-50 pounds: 10,000 IU/day

— Children: 50-100 pounds: 25,000 IU/day
I buy capsules that are 5,000 mgs each and take 10 through the day.

Vitamin A (NOT beta carotene)

— Adults: 100,000 IU/day for four days for adults (not pregnant or breast-feeding women)
— Children 25-50 pounds: 20,000 IU/day for four days
— Children 50-100 pounds: 50,000 IU/day for four days

*Vit. C- 8-10,000 mg/day for 4 days. 
(If your bowels get loose cut back a little bit.) Take on the hour up to the highest dose. Continue daily during recovery with Vitamin C at 3-5,000 a day. ( You can go more than4 days on this vitamin)

I recommend staying on Vit D daily after the 4 days at at least 2,000 to 5,000 a day. Most people are VIT D deficient. After about a month you really need to have your Vit. D levels checked with a blood test to monitor your level. A good level to keep it at is not lower than 30 but 60-70 is best for good immunity. You should also take vitamin  K2 with your D because the D is digested better with this added vitamin. You can buy these together in one capsule. 

(All products are available on Amazon) 

Buy a hand held nebulizer.  
Buy 3% FOOD grade Hydrogen peroxide

Buy Normal Saline at least 250 ml

(You can also add one drop of liquid iodine to this mixture.)

Mix 250cc’s of the normal saline with 3 cc’s of the 3%food grade hydrogen peroxide together in a glass jar. Then take only 3cc’s of the mixture and put in nebulizer along with one drop of iodine and inhale until gone. 

Do this at least 4 times a day for the first four days.  

Additional thoughts on fighting c*vid19:

Eat a healthy diet and maintaining optimal hydration 

 there are many things you can do to improve your immune system and help you avoid C*VID-19 problems:

— Eat a healthy diet FREE OF REFINED SUGAR! It should also be free of all refined food sources including salt, flour, and oils. Remember, refined sugar paralyzes the ability of white blood cells to perform their duties for hours.

— Make sure you always STAY WELL HYDRATED with clean water. Take your weight in pounds, divide the number by 2 and the resultant number is the minimum amount of water in ounces to drink per day.

Ibuprofen should be avoided as it may enhance the infectious capabilities of C*VID-19. Ibuprofen also causes problems for the kidneys and the GI tract. It is best to let the body utilize its innate abilities to fight an infection. One of the body's main ways to do this is by mounting a fever. The increased body temperature is a way to mobilize the immune system into action as well as to enhance the killing effect of a foreign invader. Fevers can often be managed by tepid baths, lots of hydration and rest.

It is important to maintain electrolyte balance with any infection but particularly when there is fever involved. Supplementing with unrefined salt is crucial here. It can be added to each glass of water. Again, it is best to work with a knowledgeable health care provider before doing any of the suggestions I have written about.

Acetaminophen should also be avoided for fevers. It depletes a crucial antioxidant — glutathione. In fact, acetaminophen should be severely limited for any condition. It has a poor safety profile.

Medical Disclaimer

Any content found on Everyday Blessings (“Website”), including text, images, audio, or other formats (“Content”), were created for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 

Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or heard on this Website.

There is absolutely no assurance that any statement contained or cited on the Website on medical matters is true, correct, precise, or up-to-date. Even if a statement made about medicine is accurate, it may not apply to you or your symptoms.

Blessings! Amy


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