Ranchlands- Zapata Ranch

We had an amazing experience a few weeks ago. There are a few places that I have been blessed to see and enjoy in my life that seemed sort of other worldly. If you have read the book "Thin Places" this is what this place reminded me of. The places where (if you are looking for them) the beauty that your eyes behold is so deep and unbelievable that you are drawn to the Creator of it all. Like maybe He is there super close smiling at our delight. Ranchlands Zapata Ranch was one of those places. https://ranchlands.com Our sons are photographers and videographers. They have really gotten into ranching photography and our youngest has become friends with the wonderful Ranchland folks in Mosca, Colorado. He graciously gifted us a trip up to see it for ourselves for a few days. He knew that we would probably never decide to take that trip on our own and so we felt pretty special and blessed to enjoy it. Being at Zapata Ranch felt a little like going back in time. ...