I guess it's ok, or maybe not to have these little guys in your HOUSE? Is it a deep south thing? It was not ok when it ran over my foot a little while ago. You see, I am from west Texas where scorpions (my Mom won't even call them scorpions because she has a terrible, unhealthy fear of them...she calls them mean bugs...she does not even like their name) are the things that crawl around on the floor and fall off of you from the ceiling. They sting like well...something really bad. Still thinking... Anyway, so glad we do not have mean bugs here where we live but we DO have these little lizards. They are ahem...IN the house. That just does not seem right!! I thought that lizards belonged outside! I only see maybe one a week but one inside is one too many. I threw the last one out the front door. I think I saw him glance back and smile a wicked smile saying..."I will be back in a minute."
Yes, that is the corner of my bathroom. And yes, the baseboards and floor are ...