Lovely Rooms and Such...

We were blessed to see a lovely Bed and Breakfast spot last week when we enjoyed our Ladies Night Out Pajama Party. This was the living room. Absolutely one of the most beautiful homes I have ever seen.
Our ladies from their p.j.'s. Yes, it was fun and silly and a great time of fellowship.
 Here are a few more lovely rooms...

 Door prizes lined up on a beautiful table...
 Gorgeous place to sit and swing...
 Now, that is nice-
Jumping forward a few days. Some good friends of ours asked us over for Sunday lunch.
This is her table. Isn't it lovely?
 Her stove top area...Jenni loves chickens and roosters. No wonder I love her kitchen.
 They have a salt water pool. Beautiful water color and landscaping.
This is without a doubt my favorite "room area" so far. Outside fireplace. Love.
Wait, I take it back. THIS is my favorite.
Psalm 19: 1- The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

Now, I am getting off of this contraption. I have been under the weather a bit and am feeling a little better today so this is my motto for the day (for all you Downton Abbey lovers)...stop whining about not feeling perfect and get busy. :)
Blessings! Amy


Wa Wa Waughs said…
Looks like you had lots of fun at the Ladies Nite out! Nothing like getting to know friends at a Pajama party. Fun times!

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